



 AirportLoveSucks:  ass.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe i almost didnt accept it thinking it was a porn IM
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i got you to do what i told you to
 AirportLoveSucks: pleasant.. eh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  shut it.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok :x
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what airport love?
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here, wanna see my cool aim sns?
 AirportLoveSucks:  ..long story, too.
 AirportLoveSucks:  sure.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i got some good ones
 AirportLoveSucks:  ew..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you religious?
 AirportLoveSucks:  no.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  User AirportLoveSucks is not available.
 AirportLoveSucks:  huh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hmm
 AirportLoveSucks:  i wish i had someone to come watch the wonder years with me:-/
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hmm, for some reason i cant IM you from my SUCK A DOGS DICK sn
 DlE lGNORANCE:  damn and thats a good one
 AirportLoveSucks:  maybe that's a good thing?
 AirportLoveSucks:  FUCKING ass i hurt.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what hurts?
 AirportLoveSucks:  head.
 AirportLoveSucks:  shoulder..
 AirportLoveSucks:  stuff..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  knees and toes?
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  eyesss ears mouth and nose.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you should go for a walk
 AirportLoveSucks:  too dark.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  too dark to see?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  excuses excuses..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if excuses were money, youd be rich
 AirportLoveSucks:  hm.. that would be nice.
 AirportLoveSucks:  but it's really dark.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and rabbits run in front of me.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and and, skunks..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe ive been saying that my whole life..
 AirportLoveSucks:  ew.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i heard it when we read rumplestilsken in elementary school
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so, just dont step on em
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  but they scare me.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and i'll cry.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and sit in the middle of the road until the sun rises..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aww, ok stay home
 DlE lGNORANCE:  haha you silly girly
 AirportLoveSucks:  okay[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im so easy
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive never been so submissive
 AirportLoveSucks:  you arreee.
 AirportLoveSucks:  what do you mean?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just complacent
 AirportLoveSucks:  it's fucking 2am, use words i can understand.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  actually..ive always been laid back and cool
 AirportLoveSucks:  oka.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  haha
 AirportLoveSucks:  y
 DlE lGNORANCE:  y not
 AirportLoveSucks:  what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  why is anyone not laid back and cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  being uptight sucks
 AirportLoveSucks:  im laid back and awesome[]
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm arrogant, no?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not to mention conceited
 AirportLoveSucks:  []
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm not conceited.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but hey, confidence is good
 AirportLoveSucks:  i have no confidence.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just be prepared to back your shit up
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im sure thats not true
 AirportLoveSucks:  i think i'm an idiot.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and ugly.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and whatnot.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats just a sympathy plea now
 AirportLoveSucks:  no.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i seriously do.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you wouldnt send out your pics to strangers if you thought you were ugly
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and youre no idiot
 AirportLoveSucks:  why wouldn't i?
 AirportLoveSucks:  they ask for them.
 AirportLoveSucks:  if i'm ugly, i could care less.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and i do.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm me, love me or not[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  those stupid aolers who have random numbers in their screen names, that aol picks for them cuz they cant think of unique sns
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are stupid
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not nerdcore love
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you may be you, but you got yourself all wrong
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  how so?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre not stupid and youre not ugly
 AirportLoveSucks:  well, i think i am.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well you gotta stop thinking lies
 AirportLoveSucks:  they're not lies.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you depressed?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  talk at me amander
 AirportLoveSucks:  you asked me that last nite..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whoa youre right
 DlE lGNORANCE:  good memory, i had forgotten
 DlE lGNORANCE:  oh yeah..cuz you were bitchin last night also
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i remember now
 AirportLoveSucks:  about?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im not sure, being in pain
 AirportLoveSucks:  oh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you said you didnt feel good or something
 AirportLoveSucks:  i bitch a lot.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you said you hurt
 AirportLoveSucks:  that's why that's a quality in my next boyfriend.
 AirportLoveSucks:  hah.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and then you said you had a headache
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what? bitching?
 AirportLoveSucks:  him being able to listen to me bitch.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahhh..
 AirportLoveSucks:  levia was good at that..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that was his name?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or is that a chick?
 AirportLoveSucks:  his name.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or you mean levi
 AirportLoveSucks:  levia..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  weird
 DlE lGNORANCE:  where is he from?
 AirportLoveSucks:  why.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not a common name
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thought maybe he was foreign
 AirportLoveSucks:  i still can't believe i wasted all that time on him.
 AirportLoveSucks:  uhh, san antonio?
 AirportLoveSucks:  nah.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i have a pic of him.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre only 17, youve got a lot more time to waste
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and you will
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just try to waste as little as possible
 AirportLoveSucks:  but i mean..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and dont repeat the same mistakes
 AirportLoveSucks:  i had other chances.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and shit.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  or try not to
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you might, but hey
 AirportLoveSucks:  but i stayed with him, knowing that.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre only human
 DlE lGNORANCE:  knowing what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so you didnt want to be sucks to be alone..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  big deal
 AirportLoveSucks:  well.
 AirportLoveSucks:  when we first got together, i was at his house and someone was iming him 'i love you baby' and he was like 'oh, it's my ex'
 DlE lGNORANCE:  eek
 AirportLoveSucks:  and uh, his ex.. was his internet lover.. he saw every weekend.
 AirportLoveSucks:  until i found out.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and i ASKED her.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do you think he ever cheated on you?
 AirportLoveSucks:  because im smooth.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and uh, i told him and he was like, 'oh, it's over'
 AirportLoveSucks:  uh, he did cheat on me for like a month for whatever.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bastard
 AirportLoveSucks:  prolly several times throught the whole thing.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre better off without him
 AirportLoveSucks:  i know.
 AirportLoveSucks:  my mom loves him.. thinks hes perfect for me.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i hate her.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i had my opportunities with chasity, just couldnt bring myself to ever
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah, my moms a stupid bitch too
 DlE lGNORANCE:  older people suck ass
 DlE lGNORANCE:  they need to get with the times
 AirportLoveSucks:  why did you and her break up..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its a long story
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it was more of a mutual agreement..
 AirportLoveSucks:  ...
 AirportLoveSucks:  okay.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  we both decided the other had changed..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  actually, thats bullshit, i got tired of her bitching about stupid shit
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if she had it her way, we wouldve been together forever
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now that ive finally left her, shes in denial
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and fucking me over
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm sorry.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  she cant handle the fact that shell never find anyone who will love her like i did
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and make her as happy
 AirportLoveSucks:  aww.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i wish someone loved me.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so its really her loss..
 AirportLoveSucks:  i've never been in love.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i hadnt either, until i was with chasity
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i miss it..
 AirportLoveSucks:  ...get it back?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  she blew her chance..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i will, im sure
 AirportLoveSucks:  with her?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not a chance
 DlE lGNORANCE:  fuck her
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well, not literally
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont know, im playing everything by ear these days
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive found its better not to have a plan
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and just let things happen
 AirportLoveSucks:  word.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just leave yourself open for opportunities, and they come by themselves
 AirportLoveSucks:  eh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  especially when youre mobile without a car..
 AirportLoveSucks:  its just.. hard living in someone else's shadow.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and hard to keep from getting discouraged.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you can be impulsive about everything
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what do you mean someone elses shadow?
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  nevermmind.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aww, come on, spit it out
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont leave me hanging
 AirportLoveSucks:  noo.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know you want to
 AirportLoveSucks:  not really.
 AirportLoveSucks:  im making a list of my perfect guy, heh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, im not gonna make you do anything
 DlE lGNORANCE:  nobody is perfect
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i know.
 AirportLoveSucks:  but im making a lsit anyway.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats cool, we can dream all we want
 AirportLoveSucks:  yep word.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you tired yet?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ::yawn::
 AirportLoveSucks:  not yet.
 AirportLoveSucks:  are you.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  a tad bit
 AirportLoveSucks:  go to sleep.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i think i shall
 AirportLoveSucks:  eww fine.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  umm..tell you what
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna go to the back porch and smoke some tobacco
 AirportLoveSucks:  ..ew.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and come back and talk to you a little more when i get back
 AirportLoveSucks:  ok hurry.
 AirportLoveSucks:  ill finish my list.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  brb
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  okey doke
 AirportLoveSucks:  wb.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thank ya
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ::yawn::
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  pussy.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i am what i eat  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 AirportLoveSucks:  eww.
 AirportLoveSucks:  so who's your interest?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this cool girl
 AirportLoveSucks:  name?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whos gonna help me get my organization going
 DlE lGNORANCE:  alexis
 AirportLoveSucks:  alexis, eh..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i dont know, it may just be wishful thinking
 AirportLoveSucks:  she hott?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  her personality is very attractive..
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and thats most important
 AirportLoveSucks:  word.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and she believes in the stuff i do
 DlE lGNORANCE:  about how the older people are abusing our world
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  how old is she?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  19 or 20
 AirportLoveSucks:  cute.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  see, its the younger generation that sees how our parents are killing our world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  all the lazy ass old people
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey, its only fair that you know, i log all my conversations on my computer
 AirportLoveSucks:  why?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  memory exercise
 AirportLoveSucks:  oh?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so if i talk to the same person again, i can review stuff weve talked about
 AirportLoveSucks:  really?..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  been doing it for a while now
 AirportLoveSucks:  i remember everything..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wow, youre lucky
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i doubt that you really do
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i mean, everything?
 AirportLoveSucks:  like, i'll alkways remember the first thing YOU said to me was 'are you depressed?'
 AirportLoveSucks:  yeah.
 AirportLoveSucks:  wana see my list?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  only cuz i know what its like
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ive been suicidal
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i learned my lesson..
 AirportLoveSucks:  sent.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i wouldn't mind dying.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you see, since i had isolated myself with chasity so much..i assumed that all the stuff i was learning, everyone else was too..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and it wasnt until i realized that everyone else was still doing stupid things..that i knew more shit than the average joe
 AirportLoveSucks:  hmm.
 AirportLoveSucks:  interesting.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wow..what a list
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i get in my sad shit moods, and it happens.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah, i dig
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i never once layed a finger on chasity in a forceful way
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats just bad
 AirportLoveSucks:  good job.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  not because shes a girl, but because i cared about her
 AirportLoveSucks:  aww.
 AirportLoveSucks:  shh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  makes me want someone.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if any other girl were to hit me hard enough to where it felt like a guy hit me..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  she would cease being a girl in my eyes.
 AirportLoveSucks:  you would beat them down.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and i would kick her ass
 AirportLoveSucks:  amen to that.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so whats your thing with japan?
 AirportLoveSucks:  i just.. wana go.
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i have so many 'dreams' or whatever.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  we all do
 AirportLoveSucks:  yeah.
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  what color are your eyes?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  shit-brown
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  are you white?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
 AirportLoveSucks:  wow.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im never getting married
 AirportLoveSucks:  why.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "What’s the point to marriage?  I don’t need a legal, binding contract to feel bound to someone for the rest of my life.  If the trust and loyalty is there, what’s the point?  Marriages cost money and so do divorces.  If you’re going to remain married just because you can’t afford a divorce, what did you get married for in the first place?
 DlE lGNORANCE:   And it is a proven fact that people sometimes change and you can’t, or are not willing, to change with them.  Why complicate things? Marriage is just ceremonial, customary, and religious.  Just because
everyone else does it, why should you?"
                        - Victor
 AirportLoveSucks:  i thought of it that way.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its just an unnecessary complication..
 AirportLoveSucks:  i wish i didn't like everyone.
 AirportLoveSucks:  hah.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everyone?
 AirportLoveSucks:  i don't know, i feel too nice or something.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if youre gonna be something, be nice
 AirportLoveSucks:  you're too logical.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  theres no such thing
 AirportLoveSucks:  hah.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm going to sleep in 5 minutes.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  2:30 it is
 DlE lGNORANCE:  for both of us
 AirportLoveSucks:  yeah.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so whats airport love?
 AirportLoveSucks:  well.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i broke up with levia at the aiport, while i was coming back from nyc..
 AirportLoveSucks:  and uh, i felt horrible about it.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aww, that does suck
 AirportLoveSucks:  and while i was changing planes, i noticed how all these couples wer elike
 AirportLoveSucks:  running into eachothers arms after days of being away from eachopther.
 AirportLoveSucks:  and realized that it sucked.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aint that the truth
 AirportLoveSucks:  but i'm a jealous person.. so yeah/
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah..careful
 DlE lGNORANCE:  jealousy can be dangerous
 AirportLoveSucks:  how.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it can show somoene how much you trust/distrust them
 AirportLoveSucks:  i don't distrust them.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  who?
 AirportLoveSucks:  i just.. don't know.
 AirportLoveSucks:  whoeber i'm jealous of.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm not really ever jealous of a bf.
 AirportLoveSucks:  just people i like.. that give more time to others.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  well then, you shouldnt be jealous..if you dont know for sure
 DlE lGNORANCE:  find out for sure, before you let jealousy in
 DlE lGNORANCE:  make sure you have a valid reason to be jealous..
 AirportLoveSucks:  it just comes, heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'm like, 'man.. wish that was me'
 DlE lGNORANCE:  see, chasity would get jealous anytime she saw me talking to another girl, even if it was just a casual conversation online..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  which led me to believe she didnt trust spite of how much i loved her
 DlE lGNORANCE:  which after time, made me love her less
 AirportLoveSucks:  aw.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i would think, "if she loved me back as much as i love her, it wouldnt matter"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "so therefore, she doesnt love me as much as i her"
 AirportLoveSucks:  i'd wana die if someone i loved questioned my love for them..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  trust is a very valuable thing to have
 AirportLoveSucks:  yeah.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you lose the trust, the relationship is doomed
 AirportLoveSucks:  that's scary.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  life is scary
 AirportLoveSucks:  it is...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if the trust is lost, dont go out of your way to get it back, if youre meant to be with that person any longer, things will fix themselves
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if youre not, its best to make a clean break
 AirportLoveSucks:  do you believe in soulmates?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and move on
 AirportLoveSucks:  why.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i believe anyone can learn to be compatible with anyone else...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont believe in fate or predestiny either
 AirportLoveSucks:  do you think you meet people for a reason?
 AirportLoveSucks:  like, everyone you meet has a 'role' in your life.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no, i dont believe in luck..i believe in coincidence and circumstance...
 AirportLoveSucks:  hmm.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  everyone i meet will shape my life as much as i let them
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but in the end, i am still in control  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of my life
 AirportLoveSucks:  word.
 AirportLoveSucks:  how do you save your convos?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i get to choose what i regard and disregard
 AirportLoveSucks:  eh.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its pretty simple
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i highlight the screen name of who im talking to, copy it, and use that for the filename of the text file
 DlE lGNORANCE:  then i click inside the IM and hit highlight everything
 DlE lGNORANCE:  copy
 AirportLoveSucks:  do, you have like, lotsa convos saved?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and paste it in the text file
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yes tons
 AirportLoveSucks:  wow.
 AirportLoveSucks:  are you gona save this one?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i log all my important emails too
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yup, in a folder named 101202
 AirportLoveSucks:  why 101202
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that in the folder october
 AirportLoveSucks:  all the ones you had that day?
 AirportLoveSucks:  today.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 AirportLoveSucks:  interesting..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it just makes aol a little more real
 AirportLoveSucks:  hmm, i spose.
 AirportLoveSucks:  but ima go now.
 AirportLoveSucks:  i feel like hell:-/
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah, were late for bed
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sweet dreams amanda
 AirportLoveSucks:  heh.
 AirportLoveSucks:  you too victor. take care.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bye bye
 AirportLoveSucks:  nite[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  g'nite

-has to be sweet.
-can make me laugh even when i'm ready to kill him.
-has nice hair.
-has nice shoes.
-knows how to keep a conversation going.
-likes my music.
-can laugh with me about stupid shit that he may not even understand.
-understand i would dump him in a second if i had a chance with jake gyllenhaal.
-isn't embarrassed of me.
-calls back after he hung up on me during a fight.
-understands how i can be.
-gives me massages.
-just likes laying with me watching the wonder years.
-gives me all the pink nerds.
-likes to fight with me..and isn't afraid of hurting me.
-let's me win some of the fights.
-doesn't smoke weed.
-buys me nerds on special occasions.
-will just let me cry sometimes and not sit there and ask 'whats wrong..whats wrong'.
-will let me lick his nipples whenever i want.
-let's me bitch to him, but not at him.
-understands that i sometimes get overwhelmed and need time alone.
-isn't controlling.
-will be there whenever i need him.
-listens to country with me when i get those sudden urges to listen to it.
-makes me laugh so hard, i cry.
-knows that i don't like to be tickled, but it's fun every once in a while. just stop before i pee.
-doesnt tell me he never wants to talk to me again cause he got jealous.. or any reason at all.
-doesn't question my talking to guys, because if i'm with him, he knows i'm his.
-dosen't have an anger problem.
-won't ever think about hitting me in a non-playful way, and know that if he does, i WILL beat him down.
-dances around with me ghettostyle while listening to my happy music.
-knows that i would do anything to go to japan.
-knows my eyes are blue, and not green.
-won't ever lie to me.
-likes my weirdo movies, and will watch them with me.
-asks me questions he wants to know, and won't be a bitch about it.. and expects the truth.
-sings to me when i ask him to.
-draws me ghetto pictures.
-is mature when he needs to be, but not all the time.
-massages my head when i have a headache.
-buys me sonic slushies when i'm sick.
-buys me chocolate milkshakes when i'm on my period.
-he should be a little taller than me.
-isn't an ass to other girls.
-never asks to read my journal. ever.
-holds my hand.
-gives great hugs.
-doesn't mind that i have no religion.
-doesn't try to change my mind about anything.
-will never mention my middle name to anyone.
-likes making out and long drives.
-knows my favorite song, and will play it for me when i'm sad/mad.
-will sing al green to me at our wedding. heh.



DlE lGNORANCE:  hi, did you read any more of my stuff?
 Jackie2133:  not done
 Jackie2133:  i read the first one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i just wrote a new one
 Jackie2133:  send it
 Jackie2133:  thanx alot
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no problem, thank you for actually reading em

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